Added Perspective

OppenheimerFunds' Fink tackles changing role of directors

May 25, 2016

By Matthew P. Fink and Jacqueline Edwards

Matt Fink (pictured, left), an independent director on the Oppenheimer Funds New York board, and Jacqueline Edwards (pictured, right), an associate at Kramer Levin, explore the evolution of fund directors' responsibilities over time—starting back nearly a century ago when investment companies became popular in the 1920s—in the recently published "The Changing Role of Independent Directors of Mutual Funds." In the piece, Fink and Edwards conclude that "it would be worthwhile every once in a while for the SEC to step back and look at directors’ responsibilities as a whole" and urge the agency to hold a roundtable focused on directors’ responsibilities.


To read the full article, please click here.



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