Added Perspective

PwC 2021 Mutual Fund Directors Governance Survey

April 28, 2022

PwC 2021 Mutual Fund Directors Governance Survey has gauged the views of mutual fund directors across a diverse range of complexes from large to small, as well as geography, on a variety of matters. The survey was designed to identify insights from the boardroom on matters including industry opportunities and challenges, board composition and diversity, as well as board practices relative to strategy, risk and ESG.


In 2021, nearly 120 independent directors participated in [the] survey. It comes as no surprise that the key themes of the survey are:


  • While ESG is a significant opportunity in the mutual fund industry, boards need more information.
  • Directors recognize the benefits, but most are taking a passive approach to implementing diversity.
  • Board culture is strong, but virtual meetings are taking [their] toll.
  • Board members value self-assessments, but recognize there are limitations.


To read the complete survey results, click here.



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