In the Margins

What's the truth about 'clean' shares?

October 12, 2017

By BenefitsPRO

Investment advisor and author Chris Carosa has penned a piece on "the truth about clean shares" for BenefitsPRO. "On the face of it, 'clean' shares are being touted as the wave of the future. The fact is, they’re as much a part of the future as steam locomotives are. Here’s why," he writes. "If we are to accept the strictest definition of 'clean' shares, then we’re talking about mutual funds that have no loads, no 12b-1 fees, and no revenue sharing. In an industry that’s dominated by the sales culture (not that that’s a bad thing), it’s rare to find a mutual fund that isn’t tainted by the stain of any one (or all) of these three titans of conflict-of-interest fees." Read the original article from BenefitsPRO



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