In the Margins

Fink as art: New exhibit features BlackRock chief

March 31, 2017

By The Wall Street Journal

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is the focal point of an installation at New York's Whitney Museum of American Art’s Biennial, an event that is well known within the art world as a showcase of new work. The piece, titled “Debtfair,” makes a case that the economics of American art are flawed because of artists’ debt. BlackRock, the artists said, invests in that debt. Occupy Museums, the group of artists and activists responsible for the exhibit, plotted the growth of BlackRock’s assets on a 17-by-30-foot wall next to measures of student-loan delinquencies and a rise in the price of art. Near the ceiling is a trimmed 2015 quote from Fink that reads: “The two greatest stores of wealth internationally today [are] contemporary art […and] apartments in Manhattan.” Read the original story from The Wall Street Journal.



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