From the Editor...

September 17, 2018

From the Editor...


It's not quite autumn yet, but we've definitely moved beyond summer now that Labor Day has come and gone. We hope you enjoyed the last weeks of August, as we did, but that you're now glad to be reading FBV stories again to be staying abreast of what's going on in the mutual fund governance space. We're back on the job reporting stories, and we've launched a new way for the market to access our news and intelligence. Our inaugural FBV Monthly PDF was delivered to subscribers last week; FBV Monthly is a digest of all the stories published in the previous month and provides an easy way to read and review Fund Board Views content. We hope you find it useful, and we welcome feedback on any aspect of the PDF and its delivery.


We kicked off September by providing readers with exclusive insight into the Independent Directors Council's annual member survey. The figures compiled by the IDC provide boards with information on how and what independent fund directors are being paid and additional information on directors and board practices. It's a snapshot of the industry and a great resource for boards looking to either set compensation or tweak their existing compensation practices.


We've also been reporting on what's happening in the courts, with the Third Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the ruling in Kasilag v. Hartford Investment Financial Services, a new lawsuit—which includes derivative and class-action claims—against Highland Funds, and developments in Obeslo v. Great-West Capital Management.  


As year-end and the tasks associated with the close of a calendar year continue to come into sharper focus, we'll be looking to provide useful insight on how boards are dealing with particular challenges and fulfilling their fiduciary duties. As always, watch this space...


For now,


Hillary Jackson, founding editor



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