From the Editor...

September 9, 2024

By Hillary Jackson

From the Editor...


We're back from our summer publishing break and ready to face the final months of 2024, which, as always, are sure to fly by. We hit the ground running last week with exclusive reporting on the latest data on independent mutual fund director compensation. Director pay was up in 2023, though not as much as in the year prior and not for every segment of the market. We breakdown the headline figures in IDC's 2024 Directors Practices Study and highlight a variety of key points from the data.  


We also reported on changes in the Value Line Funds boardroom, where one empty seat and another soon-to-be-vacated seat are set to be filled if shareholders elect nominees in November. Before the break, we interviewed MFDF President Carolyn McPhillips about the rebranding of her group and why it represents more than just a new look, reported on AllianceBernstein Funds' plans to move to a unitary board structure in 2025, and explored what to consider when overseeing alternative investments.


You can find these—and all—stories on our website, of course, but you also can find them in our pdf issues of FBV Monthly. Last week we published our latest issue, which includes everything we published in July and August. Download it here, and keep it handy as a resource.


We're looking for Viewpoints writers through the end of 2025 and into next year, if you're interested. These articles are free and open to whomever clicks on them, so authors can share their pieces widely with colleagues, clients, peers, and friends and family. Get in touch with questions and to discuss ideas. Email me here. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!


For now,


Hillary Jackson, founding editor



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