From the Editor...

October 17, 2022

By Hillary Jackson

From the Editor...


Succession planning is a never-ending task for mutual fund boards, with bursts of urgency now and again—especially if more than one independent director is due to retire off in a short period of time. We asked readers to send us their best ideas on how to manage the succession planning process, ways they believe they've been able to increase efficiencies and effectiveness. The result is our latest 10 Things... list, which gives you some great advice in an easy-to-read (and refer to) format. Take a look, and consider filing it away (but close by) for when you may need it.


We've also brought readers news on recent changes in leadership across the industry, another occurrence with which boards deal often. Both Independent Directors Council and Mutual Fund Directors Forum have new leaders ready to step into place. At IDC, Cynthia Plouché has been named chair of the group's Governing Council, and at MFDF, industry veteran Buddy Donohue will take over as chair of the Board of Directors on Jan. 1 following Kay Dryden's retirement. And in the TIAA-CREF Funds boardroom, a former Invesco executive has filled a seat vacated by the retirement of a long-serving director. Loren Starr began serving on the board on Oct. 1.


More you don't want to miss: The latest monthly PDF, including all our stories from September; a look at Deloitte's latest Fair Valuation Pricing Survey; and our exclusive interview with the independent chair of John Hancock Funds, Hassell McClellan


Reach out if you'd like to write a Viewpoints or have a story idea you think we should pursue: or 301-384-1877.


For now,


Hillary Jackson, founding editor



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