From the Editor...

November 20, 2023

By Hillary Jackson

From the Editor...


There often is a lot of movement in mutual fund boardrooms at this time of year, as long-serving directors reach retirement age and step off or other reasons spur recruitment efforts timed to ensure a complete lineup at the start of the new calendar year. With 2024 just six weeks away, things are indeed getting busy—and we're trying to stay on top of it for you.


For our A Seat at the Table feature, we recently interviewed David Mertens, the new independent chairman of Advisors Series Trust, about his new role and what he expects the board to deal with next year. We've also reported on likely changes on the Invesco Funds board, which has nominated two independent and two interested directors. Calvert Funds also has hired a couple of new independent directors, filling seats vacated by long-serving (41 years!) directors—including a Calvert Group founder. 


Our latest Viewpoints is authored by Kirk Littleton of FundGuard, who tackles the subject of redundancies in investment accounting technology and provides conversation starters for boards that want more information from the adviser about current practices and how to reduce associated costs. The article is a quick read and chock full of great information; don't miss it!


Finally, we've broken down the latest figures out of the Securities and Exchange Commission on enforcement actions during its September-ending fiscal year. Some figures are up, while others are down, but all of the data shows that the "cop on the beat" isn't slowing down anytime soon. 


It's difficult to believe it's already Thanksgiving week, but as I said at the start, there are only six weeks left in the year. Here's to making the most of the rest of 2023 and, more immediately, enjoying the holiday at the end of this week—whatever that may mean to you and your family and friends. 


For now,


Hillary Jackson, founding editor



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