From the Editor...

March 9, 2021

From the Editor...


Our latest 10 Things... list is actually a list of 10 Women, and it's so inspirational and touching. In honor of International Women's Day yesterday, we asked women in the industry to tell us about the women who have motivated and inspired them. Through this, we've been introduced to some truly remarkable individuals that we hope you also enjoy getting to know a little bit. There are industry lawyers and an activist lawyer, leaders from around the industry, independent fund directors, a university professor, a woman who got a law degree in the early 1930s and inspired her niece to do the same decades later, and more. 


We also recently wrapped up our Black History Month coverage, with a one-on-one with independent director Cynthia Plouché from Northern Funds and Barings Funds and a story that looked more broadly at how fund boards can diversify and become more inclusive. And for a breakdown of just how diverse the fund industry and fund boards are, don't miss our story on the new diversity data published in late February by Independent Directors Council and Investment Company Institute


On the regulatory front, the Securities and Exchange Commission's newly named Division of Examinations has released its exam priorities for the year. While there was nothing particularly new among the priorities, there were issues to which boards should pay attention. We asked a group of '40 Act lawyers to discuss precisely what is likely to be most important to boards, so make sure to give this a read.


And in the boardroom, we've reported on a new board formed to specifically oversee Putnam's new exchange-traded funds and the planned combination of two more Legg Mason boards (following a similar move for two boards overseeing affiliate WAMCO's funds just over a year ago). As a result of this recent consolidation Legg Mason now has four fund boards, down from six at the end of 2019; no word on whether more consolidation is planned, but we're keeping an eye out.


And finally, the daffodils look almost ready to bloom and the trees are budding (here in the DC area, anyway), so all signs point to spring. Enjoy!


For now, 


Hillary Jackson, founding editor



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