The 2016 Global Board of Directors Survey explores in depth how corporate directors think and operate, exploring governance practices, strategic priorities and views on board effectiveness. Spencer Stuart, the WomenCorporateDirectors Foundation, and Professor Boris Groysberg and doctoral candidate Yo-Jud Cheng of Harvard Business School, as well as researcher Deborah Bell, partnered together on the survey, which draws on responses from more than 4,000 directors from 60 countries.
Highlights include:
- Directors around the world are uncertain about global growth prospects.
- Cybersecurity is among the top three political issues relevant to directors.
- Gap seen between best practice and reality in boards’ readiness to handle strategic challenges.
- Directors favor tools to trigger board renewal, though few boards have them today.
- Greater scrutiny/spotlight doesn’t always drive greater diversity.
- Gender and generation divide on why the number of women on boards is not increasing.
To access the full survey, click here.