Added Perspective

2017 Evolution Revolution

August 2, 2017

By Investment Adviser Association and National Regulatory Services

The Investment Adviser Association and National Regulatory Services has published their 17th annual Evolution Revolution report, a comprehensive profile of Securities and Exchange Commission-registered investment advisers. This year’s report contains data on 12,172 firms that manage $70.7 trillion for more than 35.6 million clients.


This dynamic profession continues to be critically important to investors, the economy, and the capital markets and remains a powerful provider of high-quality jobs. Investment advisers now employ a total of 778,002 non-clerical workers, a 10% increase over the past four years. More than 400,000 of these workers perform investment advisory functions, and many of these positions benefit small businesses. The investment adviser profession has always been dominated by small businesses and this year was no exception, as more than 10,000 firms reported employing 50 or fewer individuals.


And, as the investment adviser profession evolves to meet the demands of a growing, more tech-savvy client demographic, the industry may add positions supporting the development of automated advice platforms, trading algorithms and robust client portals and access systems.


To access the report, 2017 Evolution Revolution, click here.



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